September 26-29, 2016
Instruction will include flatwork, jumping, crowd control, obstacle training, police tactics and competition courses.
Guest instructors are scheduled to include the Kentucky Horse Park Mounted Police, Lexington Mounted Police, Jerry Mayo (retired) Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Megan Lau Maryland National Capital Park Police-MC, Robert Judd Maricopa Co, AZ Sheriff, and Mark Waller Culver Academy Horsemanship and (retired) London, England Police.

Civilian Equine Sensory Training Clinics
Kentucky Horse Park, Alltech Arena(These are identical one-day clinics)
The clinics are hosted by the Kentucky Horse Park and the Lexington Mounted Police Unit. National and international instructors will provide training in obstacle, sensory and equitation techniques. The clinic, grounded in natural horsemanship fundamentals, is done in-hand and under saddle. Training is conducted in a controlled environment geared to improving the confidence of both horse and rider. All breeds of horses and riding disciplines are welcome. (Must be 18 years old to participate.)