The RCMP Laboratory services employs civilian members as specialists and technologists in our six sites across Canada. These positions require various levels of post-secondary academic training and experience.
Duties include examining a wide variety of exhibit material involved in criminal or suspected criminal offences. Prospective candidates are required to have an aptitude for written and verbal expression as well as a high degree of interest, self-reliance and analytic ability. Candidate performance may be assessed with respect to eight core competencies:
- leadership;
- client-centred service;
- thinking skills;
- personal effectiveness and flexibility;
- planning and organizing;
- interpersonal skills;
- communication;
- and continuous learning.
Specialists must be prepared to travel and to testify in criminal proceedings and other hearings. Specialists must also be willing to work at any of the RCMP laboratory sites where their discipline is located. They are subject to transfer between laboratories during the course of their career to meet operational needs. New employees are given extensive understudy training within the laboratory in order that they may qualify as specialists and testify in court. Opportunities are also made available to attend and participate in scientific conferences and training courses.

Basic qualifications and requirements for engagement as an RCMP Civilian Member:
Civilian member applicants will be required to undergo security and personal suitability interviews or tests designed to assist in the selection of the most suitable candidates. A civilian member is subject to a probationary term. During this period there is a requirement to meet specific performance standards designed for each category of employment, and there may be a requirement to qualify in specialized training programs.
Civilian member applicants must undergo a medical examination to obtain a medical clearance but the standards are not as rigid as those required for uniformed personnel.
Salaries are determined by the classification of positions based on occupational or professional categories related to the duties to be performed. Employees receive annual increments until the maximum rate of pay for their position has been reached. As salary levels are determined by position, and since pay scales change, current pay rates are not quoted here but may be obtained from any RCMP forensic laboratory, recruiting, or detachment office. Consult the RCMP National Recruiting website for additional information.